Event Registration & Membership Portal

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  • Conference Terms & Conditions

Conference Terms & Conditions

Cancellation Policy: 

    • All cancellations must be requested in writing by sending an email to conference@futureharvest.org. 

    • There is a $55 cancellation fee if cancellation is requested by December 14.

    • There is a 50% cancellation fee if cancellation is requested between December 15 - January 2.

    • We will provide a 100% refund for cancellations after January 3 for health-related emergencies. Refunds are not otherwise available if cancellation is requested after January 3. 

    • Refunds will not be available for inclement weather. In the case that there is a government declaration, the conference will be rescheduled.  

    Health & COVID-19 Safety Protocol:

    • Our main concern is the health and safety of our community. We will be staying up to date on recommendations from the government and medical fields. By consenting to these terms & conditions, you agree to abide by these measures as presented at the time of your participation. Updates to these policies will be provided here as needed.
    • Stay home if you are sick or if you have tested positive for COVID-19 less than 5 days before the conference. Remember, the day of the positive test is day 0. We recommend you plan ahead and have a test on hand for use before the conference. 
    • Participants must, at minimum, adhere to any state and/or local government public health requirements for mask-wearing, social distancing, testing, and/or vaccination requirements.
    • For on-farm events, participants must strictly follow any biosecurity protocols required (i.e. utilize handwashing stations, foot powder trays, etc.)

    Future Harvest and participating farms or venues reserve the right to impose additional safety measures at any time. By consenting to these terms & conditions, you agree to abide by these measures as presented at the time of your participation.

    Updates to these policies will be provided here as needed.

    Website, Social Media, and Print Release:

    All Participants give consent to Future Harvest to take photographs and or videos at Future Harvest activities for either internal or promotional use. Participants consent to Future Harvest’s use of their image, voice, name and/or story in any format, including video, print, or electronic (“Materials”) on its website, in its publications, or through any other media, including social networking platforms. Participants waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product or to receive any payment. Participants grant Future Harvest all copyrights in the Materials and waive any legal claims relating to the Materials, including those relating to copyright or rights of publicity or privacy.

    Limitation of Liability:

    In no event will Future Harvest be liable to Participants in the program for any liability, claims, costs, and/or damages arising out of or relating to this agreement. Participants waive and release Future Harvest, its directors, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, and affiliates (“Released Parties”) as well as any liability, claims, costs, and damages arising during, after, directly, or indirectly from any sponsored events or activities of Future Harvest. This release and waiver includes, but is not limited to, claims for death, personal injury, illness, property damage, loss, financial obligation, or expenses, and in each case regardless of the cause or whether such claims arise from tort, contract, or otherwise, and even if caused by negligence, whether passive or active. Participants agree not to sue any of the Released Parties on the basis of these waived and released claims.

    Waiver - Assumption of Risk:

    Participants may from time to time participate in activities or events sponsored or organized by Future Harvest, including activities and events hosted by third parties in connection with the BFTP or other Future Harvest programs (“FH Activities”). Parties are knowingly and voluntarily participating in FH Activities and are assuming the risk of injury, illness, disease, death, property damage or loss, financial obligation, loss of privacy, wrongful act, omission, negligence, errors, strict liability, breach of contract or warranty, and all other injuries and other consequences (collectively, “Losses”) that may result directly or indirectly from their participation.

    Future Harvest is not liable for any Losses that may result from, arise out of, or in any way relate to this Agreement or any FH Activities.

    Consent to Medical Treatment:

    All Participants authorize Future Harvest, its employees, its members, or other Participants to provide them first aid and to arrange for medical assistance, transportation, and/or emergency medical services for them if they get hurt during their participation in any program, event, or activity in relation to Future Harvest. Participants agree that they will pay for any costs related to their own medical treatment and transport.   

    Future Harvest is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 1114 Shawan Road, Suite 1, Cockeysville, MD 21030, 410-549-7878, info@futureharvest.org
    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software