Event Registration & Membership Portal

Who We Are

Since 1998, Future Harvest – a membership nonprofit – has been proud of its role in moving the Chesapeake region’s agriculture forward. We have grown our voice and deepened our trainings for sustainable agriculture. Our member farms continue to be leaders and practical laboratories for developing and championing practices that lead to commercial success through the lens of protecting the bay. 

We build on our experiences and believe that the most effective way to spread these and other practices throughout our region is through farmer-to-farmer education, beginner farmer training, and building community, awareness, and collaboration among farmers, food businesses, policy makers, and consumers.

Just like agriculture in our region, Future Harvest continually strives to ensure our work translates into real change on the ground.

Upcoming events

Future Harvest is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 1114 Shawan Road, Suite 1, Cockeysville, MD 21030, 410-549-7878, info@futureharvest.org

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